Wednesday, December 31, 2008

New Year's Resolutions Planning

It's New Years today. I wish the best for you!
Are you making any New Year's Resolutions? How about goals or targets for the New Year? Would you like to increase your chances of actually achieving them?
Write the goal down. Yeah yeah. You know all about that. Hold your horses...If
you know what I'm going to say this isn't for you. Go find something better to do with your life. If you want some tips that really work and you will use them keep reading.

I call this New Year's Resolutions Planning. It is a process you won't finish until the end of the year. You will need some time to get started today. You will need a calender and notebook.

The first step in New Year's Resolutions Planning is:
Identifying your BIG goals.
What are your BIG goals? Are these coming from you or are they being imposed on you? If they are imposed they aren't yours. I suggest working towards the things you REALLY want. Write the BIG goals down on the last date you want to achieve them. Write them in the present tense "I am ....", "I now have...", "I weigh...". Make them measurable. Measurable means you can weigh, count it, hold a ruler to it. Why? When you get there there is no doubt. It also makes it easier for your subconscious to get the picture of what you want. Avoid negative terms such as "loose" or "decrease". Focus on the end. Write what you want. My example is I consistently weigh 140 pounds. I don't care if I need to loose 5 or 50 pounds . I
weigh 140 pounds. I don't care if I need to gain weight to maintain a140 pounds. I weigh 140 pounds. What is your immediate reward when you achieve this. Write it down with the goals. Also "FEEL" that you have hit the bull's eye.

I can't tell you how many goals or resolutions to have but the more you have the harder it will be to stay focused.

New Year's Resolutions Planning Step 2
What are the intermediate steps to get from where you are to where you want to be? What are some smaller goals for say March 30. Again make them present tense and measurable. Write them in your calender on that date. How are you going to reward yourself? Write it down.

New Year's Resolutions Planning Step 3
What are this months goals? What needs to happen this month so you will be in
position to achieve the quarters goals? Write them in present tense and measurable terms in the calender on January 31. Write down your reward.

New Year's Resolutions Planning Step 4
What are you weekly goals? These are your baby steps. Make these small and very easily achievable. This is not the place to "stretch your comfort zone". This may be to march in place for 1 minute during a commercial every night. This may be earn $5 a day. You want these to be EASY and very believable. You are going to use these to build belief in yourself and your ability reach the monthly goal. What are your immediate daily rewards? Yes write everything down on the 7th or Sat the 10th which ever makes more sense to you.

New Year's Resolutions Planning Step 5
I asked you to pretend to be in the future and move backward to the present. Now be in the present and look to 12/31/09. Do you notice any thing else you need to do? If so what and when? Write it on the calender. What is your reward?

New Year's Resolutions Planning Step 6 Evaluation
Choose a day of the week to look and see how you are doing. Are you taking those baby steps? If so make sure you are rewarding yourself. If not try to figure out where the problem is. Is the BIG goal really yours? Did you make your baby steps small enough? Did you state your goals in measurable terms? Can you picture inside your head exactly what you wanted? What adjustments do you need to make for next week? Write the next weeks small goals down. Write your reward down too. Also note what resources, supplies, and info may need. Write potential sources for things needed.

That's it folks. My New Year's Resolutions Planning. Yes, the ideas are simple. Yes, it takes time. But, if that resolution is really worth doing doesn't it make sense to complete your New Year's Resolutions Planning? You choose.

Friday, December 26, 2008

The Last Christmas Present

I just found one more present under the tree with your name on it.

Here it is. Read to the end.

Get comfortable.

Close your eyes. Put yourself in a favorite place.

What are you seeing? What are you hearing? What are you feeling on your face, your hands, your feet? What are you smelling? What are you tasting?

Just enjoy being here.

Now, remember when something happened that filled your whole being joy and gratitude. The feelings were powerful enough to bring tears to your eyes.

Maybe it is a time when someone gave you something that you especially wanted or needed.

Maybe someone forgave a debt.

Maybe someone was there to help.

Maybe it is just a hug.

Maybe it is a birth of a child or wedding.
Let the feeling of being loved, of joy and gratitude fill you again. Relish the feelings. Linger in them.

Come back here whenever you want. Come back to these feeling when your situation seems “too much." Remember these feelings when looking for paths. Focus on these feelings will keep drawing similar feelings to you.

The feelings of being unconditionally loved, of joy and gratitude are Christmas.

Merry Christmas. Happy New Year.

Now your mission if you choose to accept has two parts:
1. Share this with those you love.
2. Stay in these feelings all year.


Tuesday, December 16, 2008

How are you feeling?

How do you feel about your current situation?

Hopeless? Where is the money for the mortgage, bills and holiday gifts going to come from? Are you facing bankruptcy or foreclosure? Lost your job? Lost a large part of your income? Are you thinking too much? Are you staying awake at night because of worry?

This is my Holiday Present for you.

I do not “know” how you feel. I know how I would feel under similar circumstances. I do appreciate your situation!

So, we are facing huge difficulties and don’t see ways out. The situation(s) seems terrible and hopeless!

Take a deep breath and hold it. It will stop the "thinking too much" for little, maybe just long enough for some questions to register.

Consider, Moses standing before the burning bush. How do you think he felt? How did the situation seem to him? He was being told to go where everyone wanted to kill him! Who was going to believe that a bush could be on fire but not turned to ash? Would they kick him out of the town because he was crazy?

How does my situation compare?
Do I know anyone who wants to take my life?
Am I going to be labeled “crazy”?

The answer for me to both question is “no”. People may say things about my time or money management. But, probably nothing that going to get me physically hurt or locked up.

Lets fast forward. Consider Moses again. This time he is on the shore of the Red Sea. The cloud of dust from the Egyptian army is getting closer. He’s trapped! Now, he’s going to die! He would also be framed or blamed for a massacre.

How does my situation compare?
Is anyone, including myself, going to die because of what I’ve done?
What about serious physical harm?

The answers for me again thankfully is “no”. There are many other examples of “impossible” situations in the Bible and in other literature as well. Each one is resolved in an unexpected way.

I’m glad I do not know my future. I may not have courage to go through some things, even though there is a huge reward on the other side.

I also don’t have the wisdom to know what to change in my past even if I could. I know that making even minute changes in the present can lead to huge consequences. How would I feel if I changed something that led to not having my son?

Enough rambling.

Look for something you can be sincerely grateful for. When you experience the gratitude “feel” it with you whole being.

Know and believe: You will live through this. It will be over. You have the resources now to transform this situation into something you hope for.

You know what you are afraid of. What do you hope for? Imagine that the hope is fulfilled. How do you “feel”? Spend time feeling this way. The more time you can feel like everything is taken care of and experience joy, the sooner things will move in that direction.

Choose to make your holidays wonderful for yourself and your family!

What’s the best thing to happen to you today?